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Achiness, Bloating, Fatigue, Gas – What is My Body Telling Me?

Are you one of millions of people who are waking up more tired than when you went to bed?  Do you feel achiness, joint and bone pain and are chocking it up to just getting older? You very well may be suffering from parasites and/or candida fungus.  The most current research indicates that up to 90% of the population has some form of candida overgrowth in the body.

One of the best ways to determine what is going on in our body is to have a stool sample analyzed.  In my opinion, this is the best place to start to determine what is going on inside the body.  Since our body cannot talk to us, the stool sample will indicate precisely what is going on inside the colon and what lives there.

If you decide to go to a Naturopathic Physician, this is one of the tests that you will have analyzed along with a hair analysis and blood test for food allergies.  Once the results are determined, along with the proper supplements recommended by the physician, the next and most important step is to adjust the daily diet.

If you are like most people, you probably consume too many carbs (in the form of simple starch that breaks down into sugar in the body) in addition to sweet sugary items.  I am not just referring to white table sugar and candy, but really super sweet fruits, manufactured juices, jams, honey, maple syrup, dried fruits, chocolate, ice cream and all baked goods.  The list goes on and on.

Then, of course, there is starch which is found in breads, pasta, manufactured cereals and floury products.  This also needs to be eliminated since the starch breaks down to simple sugar in the body which also provides optimum nourishment for the parasite and/or yeast fungus.

The bulk of the diet needs to be made up of an assortment of fresh organic vegetables (both raw and cooked), fermented vegetables (1/4 cup with each meal), limited fruits such as lemons, limes, blackberries, raspberries, possibly blueberries if not too sweet, kiwis, grass-fed meats such as organic chicken, turkey, beef, bison, lamb, pork, limited fish (due to contaminated waters), beans, quinoa, kasha, millet, amaranth, teff and possibly wild rice.

Seasonings should be limited to olive oil, ghee, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, coconut vinegar, Coconut Aminos, sea salt and spices.

In addition, a good probiotic beverage such as Siggi’s Plain Kefir is essential.  The kefir contains active cultures such as strains of good bacteria, acidophilus, bifidus, thermophilus, to name a few.  These help kill the bad yeast and nourish the good yeast.

Some individuals will be able to tolerate goat milk and others may be sensitive to the lactose (milk sugar).  If you are sensitive to the lactose, try using a watered down version of the kefir.

Adjusting to this diet takes time and will power.  You will undoubtedly feel worse for about 4-5 days since your body is ridding itself of the build up of toxins.  Hang in there!  Don’t despair!  After the first week, you will be on your way to feeling much better.  This diet may be temporary (6-8 weeks to 1 or 2 years) or it may be a life time diet.  It depends on the individual’s body chemistry.  I would not advise you to consume anything sweet for at least 8 weeks.  Then, and only then, you may experiment by having a tiny bit of something sweet.  Watch, see what happens, take note of it.  If you cheat, you are only fooling yourself and you will need to start all over again.  Be strong!  Persevere!

In addtion to the above, you may take up to 6 drops of oil of oregano, which is anti-fungal, under the tongue.  Try with 2-3 drops prior to breakfast and 2-3 drops prior to dinner.

Last but not least, you will slim down and have a flat abdomen.  What’s not to love about that!!!!

Ilia Regini is a certified healing through food specialist/health supportive chef/culinary instructor/writer/blogger and speaker.  Healthy Nourished Body offers chef service, cooking lessons, healthy kitchen makeovers and customized menu planning for healing through food dietary protocols.





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